Do you want to start your own business and are you looking for advice?


We advise...

  • students, alumni and staff of the participating universities
  • individual founders of companies and the foundation of teams
  • online, and hopefully once again in person soon  
  • from a short initial consultation to a longer period of guidance and support for your start-up process
  • expert advice on EXIST funding programmes and other specific start-up issues
  • free of charge and always tailored to your own individual situation
  • within the network, and we put you in touch with the right contacts from the Bremen start-up ecosystem for any special questions (for example patents).


You have an idea. The next step: initial consultation

This is how consultation works at BRIDGE:

  • Simply send us your full draft of the idea (Ideenskizze). This allows both sides to prepare optimally for the consultation.
  • We will get back to you without delay by phone or email and arrange a first appointment. 

We look forward to getting to know you and your idea!

Here you will find the right contact person for your idea!

Universität Bremen
Hochschule Bremerhaven
Hochschule Bremen
Constructor University
Hochschule Bremen