3rd place in the Business Ideas Category

Leonard Pust
IT experts predict that blockchain technology will have a similar impact on the economy and society as the internet. Many companies in the logistics, energy and health sectors are already experimenting with blockchain technology. However, few people can explain what a blockchain actually is. Because apart from the hype surrounding the cryptocurrency Bitcoin, it is still practicably invisible in people’s everyday lives. Under the name BitMoin, (“Moin!” is a typical friendly greeting in Bremen) Leonard Pust, a doctoral student at the University of Bremen, therefore gives insightful lectures in which he explains blockchain technology, the Bitcoin system and its opportunities and potential in a clear and understandable way. In addition, seminars and webinars in the crypto field as well as comprehensive ICO consulting are planned. Leonard Pust does not come “from the nerd community”, as he says himself. He is enthusiastic about the technology and passionate about the topic. “Because I was interested in it myself, I decided to dig deep into the subject.” he says. “I am good at explaining things and I really enjoy sharing knowledge.” These are, of course, prerequisites for his business idea. Networking is now the main thing on his agenda. The name BitMoin is, incidentally, based on the habitual mispronunciation by his fiancée’s grandmother. As Pust says: “BitMoin fits the topic and also Bremen perfectly.