Are you fit for your StartUp and is your StartUp fit for the market? The StartUp-Workout series of events makes it easier for you to start your business!
Expert speakers give you input on how to develop your idea into a concrete business concept. You benefit from the feedback of your peers and the speakers and get answers to your questions.
The contents of the event series build on each other. Therefore, participation in all Workouts is required. The StartUp-Workout is aimed at people interested in founding a company with a concrete business idea. Apply for one of the limited places.
How can I participate?
Apply with a concrete business idea. Send the completed application form to by 22/09/2024.
22/10/2024 - presence
Campus Space, Sparkasse Bremen, Universitätsallee 14, 28359 Bremen
On your mark, get set, go: business model
Presentation of your business idea
What does your business model look like?
Where do you want to go with your StartUp?
29/10/2024 - online
For whom are you getting fit: market, competition & target group?
How do you estimate market potential?
Which market segments and shares do you plan with?
How do you determine your target group and analyze your competitors?
05/11/2024 - presence
Visionskultur / Creative Hub, Friedrich-Karl-Straße 54, 28205 Bremen
Show what you have: Marketing & Sales
How do you connect to your target customers?
Which sales channels are suitable?
What are realistic marketing expenses?
12/11/2024 - online
No hurdle race for you: Business forms & legal issues
Which legal forms are suitable for your startup?
What are the tax implications?
What is the difference between commercial and freelance activity?
19/11/2024 - online
Your placement counts: Financal plan, price calculation & policy
How do you create a financal plan?
How do you calculate the costs of your product or service?
What is your company's pricing policy?
26/11/2024 - presence
DHI, Konrad-Zuse-Straße 6a, 28359 Bremen
Conquer your weaker self: Pushing through & Networking
How do you continue with your idea after the workout?
Which tools help you to stick with it?
How do you build a successful network?
04/12/2024 - presence
DHI (Fishbowl), Konrad-Zuse-Straße 6a, 28359 Bremen
Immerse yourself in the startup scene: Get out & network
BRIDGE StartUp-Lounge
Experienced founders report on the "do's and don'ts" of founding a company
Talk to other people interested in founding a company and get feedback
Build and expand your network!
At all in-person sessions, there is the opportunity for a further informal exchange after the workout.