1st place in the Business Plans category

metricc consulting
Tim L. Lehner, Jasper G. Rother, Jannik M. Meissner
The growing market power of online retail is a major competitor for bricks-and-mortar stores. A wide range of goods, often at lower prices, and a targeted customer approach are among the great competitive advantages of the digital giants. While the click behaviour in online shops provides valuable information about our product and shopping preferences, information of this kind is difficult to collect in a traditional physical shop. With metricc consulting, Tim L. Lehner, Jasper G. Rother and Jannik M. Meissner, alumni of Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences, aim to create the possibility of comprehensive data analysis for bricks-and-mortar retail outlets. For example, visitor frequency and demographic data are collected via various data-protection-compliant in-store sensors in order to be able to make similarly efficient predictions about purchasing behaviour. Based on this data, individually implementable recommendations for action can be made to the store owner, for example which customer group should be targeted more actively or which product groups should be showcased in order to increase turnover and profit. The extensive automation enables a cost-effective process and makes the offering accessible to smaller businesses.
The idea was developed as part of the “Start-Up Innovation Leadership” course at Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences. Their professor encouraged the three students to take part in the CAMPUSiDEEN competition. In Jannik M. Meissner, they have a partner who already has start-up experience. He also provides the technical expertise. Tim L. Lehner is responsible for commercial tasks such as analysis and consulting, and Jasper G. Rother is in charge of sales and partner support. They have now already won the first two pilot projects to test metricc consulting. “What we find particularly exciting are, for example, bakery chains - an industry that we found less interesting at first” says Jannik M. Meissner. Then, however, through discussions with the bakery cooperative BÄKO, they found out that although the number of businesses has halved in recent years, the number of outlets has doubled. As a result, it is becoming increasingly difficult for management to keep track of the individual stores. “…and this is precisely where metricc consulting can be a real asset and increase turnover through targeted recommendations for action” says Meissner. And that would mean that it’s not just the bread that rises, but the profits as well – ideally for both parties.