BRIDGE has been presenting the Bremen StartUp Lounge twice a year since 2015. During this event, successful new entrepreneurs talk about their business ideas and offer exciting insights into the topic of start-ups.
The focus is on the stories and experiences of people who have already taken the step of starting their own companies and now offer those interested a glance behind the scenes. The exchange of valuable information about their own self-employment is intended to provide an insight into the dos and don’ts in the start-up phase. What did the new start-ups grow from? What, in their opinion, was the most valuable support they received? What motivates them and what mistakes would they not make a second time? In a relaxed and lively campus atmosphere, entrepreneurs from Bremen universities will talk about their experiences in short interviews.
This year, the BRIDGE StartUp Lounge will take place on 29 May 2024 under the motto "Challenge". You can find more information here.